Agnew is a very small-sized town spread out over a large area of 530 square kilometers, located right in the middle of the Australian Outback. Nearly all of the 263 people that make up the city's population are from the Aboriginal people of Australia. In Agnew, there is heavy rainfall between December and April, and during this time it is almost impossible to reach the city from the outside. Within the city limits is Agnew Airport, which is a rarely-used, single-airstrip facility that is located quite far from the residential area of the town. Walking in the city is the only transportation alternative if you don't know how to drive a car. The Dulhunty River and the Wenlock River, which pass through the city limits, provide both an economic activity (via fisheries) and a source of leisure for the local people. Agnew also has several campgrounds and the natural surroundings of the townsides make it extremely suitable for hiking.