Hiroshima, located in the western Japan's Chugoku district, has a population of about 1 million. Hiroshima, the first city in the world to be exposed to nuclear attack, had its city status in 1889. The city on the Ōta River delta is facing the Seto Inland Sea on the south side. There are many islands that the river creates because of its six channels.
The city is experiencing humid subtropical climate. The winters are mild and hot while the summers are wet and rainy. The hottest month of the year is August rather than June and the average temperature is 30 degrees Celsius. Despite the dry season, rainfall is seen throughout the year and the months of peak rainfall are June and July. The population of the city shows a line of growth after World War II, but after the nuclear attack it falls considerably and since 1955 it continues to follow the growth line again.