About Ponta Delgada
The city of Ponta Delgada located in Portugal’s Azores region and is one of its administrative cities. With a population of 68 thousand this city is known for playing an important role in industrial and tourism activities. Due to its location, having a subtropical humid climate, the city Ponta Delgada has regular rainfall year round. While Ponta Delgada’s yearly average temperatures are 17.4°C, the yearly average rainfall is around 988 mm. Home to many natural and historical areas, there are many activities taking place year round.
In this city, Trilhos da Natureza, Igrja do Santo Cristo, Igreja Matriz de Sao Sebastiano, Pico Carvao, Portas da Cidade, Igreja de Sao Jose, Nucleo de Santa Barbara do Museu Carlos Machado and Forter de S. Bras are of some of the most important visiting centers to visit. Despite the Portuguese influenced cuisine of Ponta Delgada, there are many restaurants from different countries in this city. Potatoes, rice, chicken meat and sea fish are of the most focused part of cuisine, the sauces and spices get intensive attraction.
Portuguese wines often being used, the country developed different presentation techniques. Festival Azores and Festival of Senhor Santo Cristo are of the city’s most important activities. Thousands of people attend these activities and they occur every year. Having an important geographic location, Joan Paulo Airport simplifies transportation to the city.